Friday, July 22, 2011

Cycle #2

With the ongoing treatment I started to get real warm sitting around the house and decided it was time to cut off the hair. As you can see Alanna was more than happy to oblige. It felt so much better, but wait there's more. While getting ready for lunch the next week I decided to just grab some hair and pull. I got enough for a small paint brush. I knew this day was going to come. Jacques to the rescue and the finished product is below.

Yes folks Kojak is alive and well and receiving chemo in Arizona. Carla, my nurse, is ready to start up my joy juice for Cycle #2.

Fastforward and it's Friday. This treatment week went much better now that I have gotten my rotation down with the Tagamet and my nausea medication. The heartburn and nausea have gotten better. The fatigue and muscle weakness is just kicking in today and it seems to have gotten a little worse with my shot of Neulasta, for my white bloodcell count, that I got during my hydration this afternoon.

I will start with some Aleve for the weakness and fatigue and hopefully it won't last as long as the first cycle.

As always Mary and I thank you for your support and prayers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2011 ASG

Thanks to my niece and nephew-in-law for giving me a "shout out" at the 2011 Allstar Game in Phoenix. Brooke and Sean thank you for "standing up" for me, it means alot.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Week 1 in the books

Hello all and Happy Boom Boom Day! Sorry I'm a few days late in updating about my first week but the treatment kicked my butt. I'm guessing the added 5FU that is on a pump being injected all week is the culprit. The heartburn and the hiccups have been tamed by Tagamet and nausea pills. It's the fatigue in my back, arms, and legs that is annoying. Fortunately I'm feeling a little better each day off of treatment. July 18th is the start of my next cycle. Until then, when you feel down and troubled and need a helping hand just remember WWDHD. What Would David Hasselhoff Do? Yes, get up brush himself off and move forward. Until then adios.
