Monday, July 26, 2010

Feeding Tube Day - Friday

On Friday July 23rd, Steve was to have his feeding tube inserted. His surgery was scheduled for 1:15 (which was to last 2-3 hours). He was called back at 1:30 and at 2:35, my coaster beeped which meant they were paging me. I was brought back into this little room and they partialy closed the drapes. Hmmm, since my mamma didn't raise no fool, I didn't think this was a good sign, but all I thought it was they weren't able to perform the surgery because of some reason. Dr. Ismail came in and told me that Steve's breathing and bp went down and a tube was inserted. I must have had this blank look on my face and he said did you hear the code - that was for your husband. He is being moved to ICU and is on a ventilator. Then it clicked. He said he would take me back to see him. The anesthesiologist met me at ICU and explained what happened and assured me Steve was fine, but he was being kept in the hospital until they could do the surgery. I met the ICU Dr. who was absolutely wonderful. She again explained Steve was fine and was very calm.

Stephen, Alanna and families were called and those that were able came down to spend time with us.

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