Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A happy day in River City today...

95 days, yes, 95 days. 24 hours together. Did I mention 95 days?
Here is Steve going back to work today, October 26, 2010, 5:30am. As he waved goodbye, I turned off the outside light and went back to bed. Now Steve is figuring out what days he is going to take off since he has quite a few vacation days remaining. More togetherness?!!
Thank goodness (fingers crossed, praying constantly) we are over the worst of it. We (Steve) still has Dr. visits and pet scans for the next few years (at least) and I pray we (and I do mean we) never have to experience this again.
I thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart. Without you, I don't know how I would have coped. I also pray that no-one has to go through this, if you do, please count on us to be there for you.
I/we will still update after every doctor visit.
Love to all.
P.S. did I mention 95 days??
Vegas here we come!!!

A sad day in River City today.......

I went back to work. Okay, so it depends on which side you're looking at. On Mary's side she is happy to finally get me out of the house. But for me I was enjoying being retired. Unfortunately I have another 100 years of work.
On the brighter side I am able to eat more solids each day. Woo hoo here I come corned beef sandwich.

Doctor visit on 10/25/10

I had an appointment with my medical oncologist today and everything is hunky dory. She's very pleased with my progress and I don't have to see her until the 30th of November. On closer examination she cannot feel anything in the neck area.

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15

Wow, it seems like we don't have much to say lately! I guess that's a good thing.
Tonight we (Steve, Alanna and myself) went to Macaroni Grill. Steve and I figured its been close to 2 months since we've actually went out and enjoyed a meal together. Steve was able to eat a little (very little) caprese salad, chicken and pasta. Not much, but it is a start. Of course, we just received another 9 cases of formula so he won't starve!
I think I was doing better when we were going for treatments everyday. Now we're waiting for Steve to be able to have a PET scan done and to be told the cancer is gone. A few more weeks!
Thank you for your continued emails and phone calls.

Friday, October 8, 2010


It's been a while since I've posted. All is going very well. The swallowing is not there yet but the pain is gone. Hopefully next week I will be able to do mashed potatoes and malt-o-meal on an everyday basis. The taste buds are trying to make a comeback but that is slow also.
I have 3 doctors appointments scheduled over the next few weeks starting today with my radiation doctor. Doctor Neuschatz still can't get over how well I'm progressing with the throat. He was also pleased that my weight has stayed steady. Today was the first time that he used a tongue depressor to get a better look at the tongue and throat. He said he could still see irritation on the left side which worried Mary and myself that the cancer was still there. He assured us that the cancer is gone and that what he was seeing was just irritation. Whew! Mary questioned him on the feeding tube removal and he said probably another 2 months and that it could be done as out patient at the gastro guy. All they do is pull it out from the outside, no going down the throat. I see him again in 3 weeks and he will scope my throat to see how things are. He will also schedule my pet scan to see if the cancer is gone. Dr. N has cleared me back to work on the 26th of Oct.
On Monday I am going to my regular doctor to fill him in on "What I did on summer vacation" and get a refill for a script.
Two weeks after that I see Dr. Chen my medical oncologist for a check up.
Hopefully after her, my appointments will be few and far between.
Oh, I almost forgot the 4th specialist that I have been having phone consultations with every Friday. Dr. Lenihan. I couldn't have gotten through this without this great medical staff.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Today's Visit

Steve met with Dr. Chen today. Again, she is quite pleased (and surprised) at how well Steve is doing. She's had patients that had to be hospitalized with the same condition.
Good news/bad news
1st the good news - Dr. C doesn't need to see Steve for 3 weeks.
Bad news - she said he may have his feeding tube in for 4 more months and hopefully able to enjoy holiday meals. Steve just shook his head no. She mentioned she had one patient (40 yr old man) that kept his feeding tube in for a year because it was more like a security blanket. He was afraid if it was taken out he would lose weight.
He gained a couple of pounds since Friday, so he's only down 33!!
Steve has a visit Friday with Dr. Neuschatz (radiation oncologist).
Take care.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday in the....

bowling alley? Yep, we decided to go watch our son, sister, brothers, their spouses, our niece and nephews BOWL (they are in a league and bowl every other week). (Unfortunately, Stephen, Elliot, Brooke and Sean are the youngest ones bowling. Stephen and Elliot certainly won't find their dream girlfriend, wife and hopefully not a cougar there).
OK, back to my story. First, let me explain why this is funny, Steve doesn't really want to go with me if I need to do a quick errand while we are home; but yet, was OK with driving an hour and a half to and from to go watch our family. Oops, except he didn't drive, I did. I really don't like to drive long distances; I don't like to drive in the rain, I don't like to drive while its windy. The drive up and back was rainy and windy. Another discovery on the way up...I don't like to drive during dust storms (thank goodness it wasn't a bad one). Alright already, enough whining.
Steve is doing a better each day. Today, (Sunday) while I was giving blood (yep, I give so more can live) he actually ate some Malt O Meal. Breanne (our niece) was also at the bowling alley and has her degree in Speech Pathology, gave Uncle Steve a free therapy lesson! She told him what he needs to do to get the swelling (fluid) from his neck down.
It really was nice seeing (almost) everyone together.
We need to concentrate on Steve eating through his mouth more and get the feeding tube out (hopefully not end up in ICU). Then Steve can go back to work - yippee!!
Thank you for your love and support.