Monday, September 26, 2011

Drum roll please.....................................

Ladies and gentlemen of the blog site I have some exciting news. I had my PET scan on Thursday and I got the results today.(Monday) And the results are..........wait for it............wait for it...............the cancer has been taken care of by the chemo. There is nothing there anymore. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!! I celebrated this evening with an ice cold beer with dinner. I go to the radiation oncologist on Tuesday, 09/27/11, to see what is next. I will keep all informed.
Thanks for the prayers.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cycle 4 is..........................

out the door and there ain't no more. Next will be a PET scan in a couple of weeks to see how much more, if any, the tumor has shrunk.(I'm keeping my fingers crossed) Then 5 radiation treatments in October. I'm glad the chemo is over and done with. This round was a little bit more taxing on the system physically. Plus I had to carry a fanny pack with a pump in it for a week. What a pain taking a shower. I guess it will be all worth it in the end and I shouldn't complain since I requested it for the extra % points in cure it was giving me.

I tell you it has been a crazy year for all of us. Mary and I couldn't have gotten through it without the support of our kids, Alanna and Stephen, and all of our family and friends. Hopefully this will be the last of it and we can get to living a somewhat normal lifestyle cancer free.

You can overcome all obstacles with the help and support of family and friends.

Peace out!!!!