Monday, August 30, 2010

Chemo - 8/30/10

Hmmmm, Steve weighed in at 213, losing another whopping 5 pounds. At the start he weighed 237. This is not a good thing. So guess what we had??? Another talk. Now he will have 2 cans of the nutrition for lunch and also one can supplementing breakfast and dinner and one as a snack.
I mentioned to Steve that if the treatments don't go as planned because of his weight loss then he will need to find someone else to take his butt everyday.
A bright spot - 2 chemos and 14 radiation treatments left.
Have a wonderful week!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

3 to go

Yes folks it's almost over. I do feel pretty well for a weekend. In fact this is the best I've felt on a Saturday in some time. Hopefully it will get better and better the final weeks but I doubt it. The appetite still isn't where it should be but at least I'm getting soup into me, oh and some nutrition drink. Thanks Breanne for stopping by and spending some time with Auntie Mary and myself, we enjoyed it. Again thanks to all for their love and support.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Week Four - Check

Holy cow, as Harry Caray would say. We are going into the final stretch. 3 weeks to go! Steve is doing pretty well. He wasn't as tired at the end of this week as he has in the past weeks.
Both doctors agree that the mass on the side of his neck has gone down and Dr. Neuschatz believes as long as that's gone down so has the tumor on his tongue.
Both doctors are happy, maybe even surprised, Steve is doing as well as he is doing, but both reminded us that Steve will get much worse before he gets better.
He still gets a "little" cranky which he denies, but really, who are you going to believe, Steve or me???!!!
Thanks, Bre (our neice) for spending the day with us.
Love to everyone.
3 more chemo and 15 more radiation treatments!!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Today is Steve's 1/2 mark. He only has 3 1/2 weeks to go and is doing great (usually - sometimes he has a little bit of an attitude, but I guess I can't blame him).
Thank you to George and Chan for driving down and spending a few hours visiting with us. A very nice break.
Thank you Geoff and Carol - Steve does love his Frosty's and will share with Geoff!
I can't say it enough...thank you everyone for everything.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Nutrition Arrives

Yep, today was the day. We received Steve's nutrition for the next month - yes 9 cases = one month!
Don't let the name Nestle fool you, this does NOT have anything to do with chocolate!
Thank you, Steve for accepting this and taking it in stride.
(Steve got a haircut today; he is not losing his hair).

Monday, August 23, 2010

Chemo - 8/23/10

Really, can Steve be any more pigheaded? He is soooo proud that he's lost weight that he's forgot what his "I'm not hungry, not now", etc means to the rest of us. So again, we had a rather heated discussion this morning about his not eating. Yes, he is proud that he has lost weight, but he looks like crap. He came downstairs this morning pale and gray; not a pretty sight.
I decided that he needs to have feedings through his PEG. Once we got to chemo I called the healthcare company and if Steve is on feedings 100% our insurance company will pay for it, they just need documentation.
Dr. Chen took one look at Steve and said you look terrible. She agreed with me and sent off paperwork to the healthcare company.
Needless to say, we weren't in love this morning, and 9 cases of his formula will be delivered tomorrow!
I realize our problems are small compared to so many other people and I am grateful this was discovered in time.
Thank you everyone for your love and support - every email, text and phone call truly helps.
3 chemo and 19 radiation treatments!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Week Three - Check

Week three is in the books - yay!
To say the least Steve has been not been easy to live with. This week was hard on both of us. Understandably, harder on me - kidding!! It has to be very hard not to be able to taste, not want to eat and receive treatments daily. Of course, this is why he's suppose to keep his weight up and drink plenty of water - but enough about that.
The good news is that both doctors believe the mass on his neck has gotten smaller (originally it measured 4 cm). Unfortunately we won't be able to find out how the tumor on the base of his tongue is doing until weeks after treatments are done.
Steve mentioned hopefully he'll feel better and be able to go back to work mid-October - I think I got whiplash turning my neck so quickly and saying, maybe you can go back to work earlier, let's think positively!! Here's to having a relaxing weekend. I think I hear a glass (bottle) of wine calling me.
The countdown continues....4 more chemo and 20 more radiation treatments!

Hey what's that in the rearview mirror?

Why it's week #3 in the dust. Don't let the joviality fool you. Thursdays and Fridays are starting to suck. The downslide usually starts after Wednesdays treatment and keeps going. I'm a little more tired and really don't want to eat or drink much after treatment. It's going to be a lot of little snacks in between meals now. Mary, I don't know how you do it but thank you for putting up with all my moodiness and crap. I love you.

A shout out to a blast from the not so past. Jay-Man otherwise known as Jay Edwards a Ramp Sup from BWI that used to work in the Old Pueblo. Thanks for the words of encouragement from you and Denise and we will work together brother.

As always thank you to family and friends for your support! Gosh, I could go for a hot corned beef on rye with mustard and kraut with a wedge of pickle.

Peace and lovey dovey.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rocky start to week #3

Had a tough start to week 3 today. My sugar crashed in the doctors office. Besides getting dizzy I started to sweat pretty bad and looked as bad as I did in ICU. It was chemo day and Mary came to the rescue with a cup of applesauce from my lunch. They checked my sugar and it was at 105 after the applesauce. It took about 15 minutes before all calmed down and I walked in back for the chemo. Another good bloodcount and another Monday of chemo with IV's wide open. Well sports fans I'm down to a svelt 219 lbs. I'm loving it but everyone else is not liking it. I was told this morning at chemo that I am going to have to start supplementing my diet with using the feeding tube. I really have to make a concerted effort into eating at least 3 times or more a day. The overall problem is having a dry mouth and the feeling of having a lump of crap on the back of my tongue that I cannot get rid of. After radiation this afternoon I mentioned this to the nurse and she gave me some drug samples to bring saliva back to the mouth. She also mentioned to suck on hard candy. So Lemondrops(unfortunately not martinis) it is for a while to help with the drymouth.
Before some get all over me for not eating, today was a good day. I started with Malt-O-Meal and a glass of iced tea (bad choice, juice tomorrow), progressed to a Wendy's burger for lunch, and topped it off with dinner at Sweet Tomatoes.(excellent cream of mushroom soup) I also had a couple of protien shakes. To everyone out there in cyberland I will start eating better.

I forgot to mention that I stopped in to the station last week. It was great seeing everyone and filling them in on what's going on. I miss them all.

Thanks to everyone for their support, love, and well wishes.
Peace Out!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

In the Books

As Mary posted week #2 is in the books. It's nice looking forward to Fridays after treatment because it's two days off. My days are pretty much treatment and relaxing with a little walking around thrown in and plenty of tv. I need to stop watching Diners, Drive ins, and Dives. Everything looks great to eat but at this time in my life my tastebuds are shot by the radiation so not everything has taste. I'm looking forward to 09/20/10 because that is my last radiation treatment and I can look ahead to my throat healing and getting some taste back. Oh, also Vegas to celebrate! Thanks to Geoff for taking me for bloodwork and radiation. I think this is the first time I have ridden with you and you didn't drive like a Vietnamese cab driver. Peace and love to all!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 2 - check

I can't say time is flying, but Steve has finished another week. Yay. I think this week was a little better than last week. Steve was more nauseous last week, but is very tired this week. I need to learn to let him be and if he needs anything he'll ask. Though, I keep trying to get him to eat more.
A HUGE thank you to Geoff and Carol for coming down. Geoff took Steve for his labs and radiation treatment while Carol took me for a pedicure. We met Alanna for dinner and Geoff and Carol really appreciated the diversity in Tucson hahaha.
Thank you to our family, friends and co-workers - your thoughts, prayers and messages really do help us. Love to everyone.

You're doing great Steve - 5 more chemo treatments and 25 more radiation treatments. When this is done we can go to Disneyland!!! (Ok, Vegas). Love you.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Radiation day 7

Getting ready to leave for radiation and Steve comes downstairs and shows me the shorts that he is wearing is down 1 size. I mentioned that this isn't the time to be worried about losing weight.
Every Tuesday after radiation Steve has an appt to see his dr. - Dr. Neuschatz. Steve's weight and bp are taken and Dr N comes in the room. Going through Steve's chart he looks and said "Is this right, you've lost 10 lbs in one week?" Steve said yes, but also mentioned he really didn't feel like eating last week and is doing better this week. He told Steve that he can not lose any more weigh., He can't afford to lose 10lbs a week and in 4 weeks be down 40 lbs., this is too much and Steve needs to stabilize his weight loss. He mentioned that he doesn't care how he does it, but he better start getting more nutrition, that's why they wanted the feeding tube in. So if he doesn't feel like eating then get supplemental food and use the feeding tube.

Countdown - 5 more chemo and 28 more radiation treatments!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Week #2

Okay week 2 is starting. After getting my hair pulled off last week by the tape from the IV's I figured I would shave the insides of my arms to give them a clean playing field to work with. Great idea if they decided to play there. My nurse looked at both arms and picked the right arm. After taking a closer look at my good veins she decided to stick..........................the back of my right hand. Back to drawing board. Both arms and hands will be as smooth as a baby's behind next week.

Had a visit from a volunteer at chemo today. She had some very profound words.

"People feel that they need to go hard every hour of the day, but sometimes we just need to sit down and listen to the birds, the wind, the rain, and everyday sounds. It shouldn't take cancer to make us do this in life. We should just do it."
Mary..11 year breast cancer survivor and Arizona Oncology volunteer

Monday 8/9/10

Today's chemo visit went really well. Steve's blood pressure is low so Dr. Chen recommends taking 1/2 dose of his bp med so off to Walgreens I went to get a pill cutter. Since I'm a thinker I got the one that will cut and crush the pills (if it comes down to where Steve can't swallow I'll need to crush his pills and he'll take through his feeding tube), plus it was less expensive than just the pill cutter - lol. (Ok, reading this it doesn't start off sounding like it went well, does it?)

I asked Dr. Chen how/when we will know the treatments are working and she said they won't be able to tell until 6-8 weeks after treatment is over (they need to wait for the swelling to go down and his throat not to be as raw) and they'll do another PET scan. She reiterated again that this is a curable cancer. She checked Steve and said that she feels it is working already because the lymph nodes are softer and smaller.

The whole feeding tube still amazes me, so I asked if I put water in the tube if that will help hydrate and she said yes, and recommends that he drinks Gatorade. She also mentioned that Steve's weight is fine (he's lost 10 lbs), smiled and again mentioned his "extra". I, on the other hand feel as if Monday is my eating day. While Steve is getting his treatments I'm eating the snacks I bought for him! Salads from now on for me!

Today's chemo session seem to have gone quicker than last week. We actually had time to run home and rest for 15 min. before heading out to radiation.

Yay! We are down to 5 chemo and 29 radiation treatments.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hard Headed

Bro, you have to follow the program. DRINK THE WATER or I will come out there and beat your butt. I can do that or start releasing cute little pictures of you from your past. It is your choice. Blackmail is a good thing!!

Love Ya',

Friday, August 6, 2010

Week One Done

This week was interesting to say the least. Steve's Monday and Tuesday were great, then that was it. From Wednesday on Steve was very sore, fatigued and a tad bit cranky.

Water - hello, I've been telling him to drink more and of course he doesn't listen. Steve gets in the car after the blood work and says he needs to drink more water because the phlebotomist told him he needed to (at his first chemo treatment he was also told to drink a lot of fluids to flush out the chemo and to help his veins recover from his hospital stay). Needless to say, we had a discussion this evening regarding his health.

A little retail therapy for me tomorrow - for my health, of course!

Thank you to family and friends for the phone calls, cards and brownies!

6 weeks to go!!! YAY!

First week done!!!

Thank God. The psychological high of feeling better went down the tubes over the last few days.
Being tired, always trying to clear my throat, and some headaches are the norm. I got a script to deal with the swelling and soreness in the throat today. It will be a nice break for a couple of days without radiation. I need to start drinking more water because they had a little trouble getting a vein for blood today. I guess I'm not getting enough fluids although I think I am.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

3rd Day

Today, was not like days 1 and 2. Steve was tired and his throat was bothering him a lot.
Since I'm such a nice wife, I bought him a strawberry shake on the way home from radiation. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. He needs to be encouraged to take his pain med's and not rely on Tylenol and I truly need to learn patience.
On the bright side 32 more radiation treatments and this will be beat and cured. Since he only received chemo every week we (he) still has 6 more treatments (but 6 is less than 7!!!).

Monday, August 2, 2010

I am glad all went well on your first day. Leave it to you to remember the sandwiches!!! LOL My friend Alisa is really happy that you like and appreciate the St. Jude card. Like the rest of us, she is praying for you. Keep the faith and if there is anything you need, let me know. I love you Bro!!!!!

First Day

Well, the first day of chemo and radiation is in the books with no ill affects. (knock on wood!) The chemo area is very laid back and homey. Gina, my nurse, filled us in on what can be brought in back during treatment. As long as it isn't offensive to other patients it's good to go. Looks like I'm bringing the computer to watch a video and a couple of sandwiches. Oh, can't forget the water or juice. One of the things you're encouraged to do is go to the bathroom as much as you can to keep the kidneys and bladder flushed. So far no nausea. Woo hoo!

*Note to self, self empty bladder before laying on the table before radiation. Kudos to my radiation nurse Consuela, Carmalita, I guess I'll have to look closer tomorrow, for cutting out holes in my mask for my eyes. It's nice not having to look thru mesh and getting freaked out. The treatment lasted about 25 minutes with various positions of the machine shooting radiation into me. BRB............................................I'm back. It's not true, Iwent into the closet where it was dark, and I didn't glow. Maybe after week 7.

Ok my Peeps and Peepettes peace out and eat your greens.

Day one

1st day of Chemo and radiation are over. A very, very long day. Appt was at 9:30 and the drip (fluids, not Steve hahaha) started at 11.
The staff at Arizona Oncology are absolutely amazing. They try to make it as homey as possible. People bring snacks in to share (just like when our kids played sports, though there isn't a team mom). I can also bring my crafts in, as Carol and Brooke know I won't be able to do any scrapbooking because I need a rather large, large table and tend to use more than my allotted space!
The radiation oncology is a little different. I get to sit with in the waiting room with all the other waitees. So far they are a little (ok lot) older than us and have many, many stories to tell. It seems they try to one up each other with whose family has the worst cancer and who died from what. Strange.
Steve is still "helping" me by offering suggestions.....don't you want to turn here instead of going straight? It will be easier than turning up there or you can make it, we have a hemi! Have I mentioned 7 weeks of togetherness??!!!!
Life is good, though. Only 6 more chemo treatments and 34 more radiation!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saturday, July 31

A huge thank you to our family for the get-together on Saturday. This was a great day to relax and to get us ready for our days to come. The count-down begins. 47 days until we finish (last treatment date is 9/17/10).

We are ready to go on Monday, chemo is scheduled at 9:30 and radiation 3pm.

We love you all.