Monday, August 2, 2010

Day one

1st day of Chemo and radiation are over. A very, very long day. Appt was at 9:30 and the drip (fluids, not Steve hahaha) started at 11.
The staff at Arizona Oncology are absolutely amazing. They try to make it as homey as possible. People bring snacks in to share (just like when our kids played sports, though there isn't a team mom). I can also bring my crafts in, as Carol and Brooke know I won't be able to do any scrapbooking because I need a rather large, large table and tend to use more than my allotted space!
The radiation oncology is a little different. I get to sit with in the waiting room with all the other waitees. So far they are a little (ok lot) older than us and have many, many stories to tell. It seems they try to one up each other with whose family has the worst cancer and who died from what. Strange.
Steve is still "helping" me by offering suggestions.....don't you want to turn here instead of going straight? It will be easier than turning up there or you can make it, we have a hemi! Have I mentioned 7 weeks of togetherness??!!!!
Life is good, though. Only 6 more chemo treatments and 34 more radiation!

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