Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday 8/9/10

Today's chemo visit went really well. Steve's blood pressure is low so Dr. Chen recommends taking 1/2 dose of his bp med so off to Walgreens I went to get a pill cutter. Since I'm a thinker I got the one that will cut and crush the pills (if it comes down to where Steve can't swallow I'll need to crush his pills and he'll take through his feeding tube), plus it was less expensive than just the pill cutter - lol. (Ok, reading this it doesn't start off sounding like it went well, does it?)

I asked Dr. Chen how/when we will know the treatments are working and she said they won't be able to tell until 6-8 weeks after treatment is over (they need to wait for the swelling to go down and his throat not to be as raw) and they'll do another PET scan. She reiterated again that this is a curable cancer. She checked Steve and said that she feels it is working already because the lymph nodes are softer and smaller.

The whole feeding tube still amazes me, so I asked if I put water in the tube if that will help hydrate and she said yes, and recommends that he drinks Gatorade. She also mentioned that Steve's weight is fine (he's lost 10 lbs), smiled and again mentioned his "extra". I, on the other hand feel as if Monday is my eating day. While Steve is getting his treatments I'm eating the snacks I bought for him! Salads from now on for me!

Today's chemo session seem to have gone quicker than last week. We actually had time to run home and rest for 15 min. before heading out to radiation.

Yay! We are down to 5 chemo and 29 radiation treatments.

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